Why it is better to move in silence (especially when starting a business)

Have plans to open your own business ? Or make major life changes? Probably the biggest mistake we make is sharing too much information before your plan has come to fruition. This is human nature. You are excited about your business plans and want to share it with the world. Best advice! STOP! People give off different energies, some positive, others, well downright hateful and negative. If you are not strong, negative energies can contaminate your mental space and discourage you from completing your task.

Keeping silent also helps you with your focus. Strip away the excitement and get down to the nitty gritty. Write down your plans, save $, research, then execute your plans. The key is not really silence, but FOCUS.

Finally, It is ok to share your plans! Especially when you need advice, just not with everyone .Make sure to check the people in your circle, family or friends, and then check it again. Unfortunately, we have some very dark souls roaming on earth . In other cases, we have good people that allow darkness to overcome their minds with jealousy and envy when they hear about your plans. Be mindful and keep your surroundings healthy. It may be difficult at first ,but with persistence , it is achievable.

Stay silent. Stay focused. Stay Positive. Stay prayful.